Monday, 19 May 2014

Better hop to it.

Things have been changing round here. I'm all motivated to run again, I can see the reward in how it clears my head. I've also taken to mindfulness mediation after a not so successful attempt nearly two years ago. Last time it made me too aware of what a bad head space I was in. Now it's just a nice way to 'anchor yourself to your here and now' as the nice man tells me in the recording. 

Recently I also realised that I had pretty much turned into a vegetarian due to a. not being able to afford meat and b. being too lazy to cook meat for one. It was getting pretty bad. The other day I realised that it had been weeks since I had felt energised and I was able to link this back to my iron levels! Anaemia and I have been friends on and off for a while now but I'd forgotten about him and he was reminding me a not so subtle way... nausea, headaches, breathelessness, exhaustion. Since eating half my weight in beef though I am feeling SO MUCH BETTER! yay.

So, in between all this and keeping more and more uni work done I have been baking bread, stewing apples, cooking roast dinners and mexican feasts and admiring all the beautiful ladies in fancy dresses at Cannes. My favourite below, Blake Lively.


 Giambattista Valli


Tell me your tips for keeping your iron up, or any good mediation suggestions, or your picks of the Cannes festival (both the movies and the fashion).

Dee x

Friday, 9 May 2014

Hobart Love.

Thanks for being you, Hobart. I love your clear blue sky, your soft warm sun, your glowing afternoon light and your relaxed attitude to life. Keep on keeping on.

I've hit week 10 of the uni semester. In fact, really it's just finished and week 11 is about to start. It's busy! This week I handed in a final piece worth 40% to one unit and gave a presentation in another- hoping both went well! Next week I have a reflective piece and a 2500 word essay on tourism management in Antarctica due- kill me now. To 'console myself/ waste time/ force myself to realise that working hard equals access to all the things I want in life' I am creating way too many shopping baskets on net-a-porter then closing the tab at the last minute and spending too many minutes watching clips from The Voice on YouTube to remind myself that a singing career on a bad television show is always an option. But at this stage I'd still rather be a nurse.

Sorry if this post makes little sense, I am battling a rather bad hangover for a Friday afternoon. Turns out drinking with a bunch of 18 yo's is a recipe for a good time!

P.S. Thanks Mother Nature for putting on a show last night. Watching my first real aurora from the top of Mt Wellington at 10:30 PM is something I'll never forget. What a place to call home.

Colours in the Japanese Garden, Royal Hobart Botanical Gardens. DL

All paths lead to the Mountain. DL


Sunday, 4 May 2014

Love Song.

It's not a love song but goodness me, do I love it. It's like Oasis and British india had a baby and out came the DMA's. Get around it. Makes me wanna go walking in the rain and snow and wear an ugly polyester Adidas striped jacket.

Time to get my study on,
