Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Summer Solstice.

Highlights of the past 24 hours. 

1. Chocolate milkshakes in Huonville.

2. Walking one of Tassie's best day walks with friends.

3. Eating salsa and drinking IPA on the edge of a mountain tarn in the last of the afternoon sunshine.

4. Watching the sun set on the longest day of the year. 

5. Sleeping under the wide open sky and waking in the middle of the night to see the Milky Way. 

6. Watching the sunrise, and feeling the warmth of it's rays whilst lazing about on our thermarests drinking cowboy coffee and poached eggs on pumpkin bread. 

Dee x. 

Wednesday, 16 December 2015


December, the month of overindulgence, the warming sea, the longest days. L'heure bleue lingers for hours after the sun sets. This time of year is full of beauty but is so melancholic to me, as if every glorious moment is tinged with the sadness of something lost.

It's my birthday soon, the tenth without my Dad. Christmas and the New Year haunt me in the same way, each one like turning the page on a book that you've almost finished reading but never want to end. The book is called When You've Lived Longer Without Your Father Than With. It's a pretty depressing read but it's not over yet, I'll let you know what happens when I find out.

I think what troubles me the most about the silly season is how a single moment is so often filled with the greatest joys and the deepest sadness. So many occasions to celebrate, so much joy. Yet for me, with such joy comes such an overwhelming awareness of who is missing. It's kind of torturous you know because the better things get, the more I feel the sting of grief.

Anywhooo, they are my thoughts and I've been thinking them a lot lately but haven't been able to put them into words until now.

Thanks 2015, I'll be glad to see the back of you in many ways but you showed me so much. How to survive a grueling year of study and prac, how to survive on the lowest income I've had since I was 17, how to be loved, how to fall apart and survive.

Here's to a new year dawning.

Dee x.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Things that make it better.

1. Reading books. Good stories, Buddhist enlightenment, abstract poetry- the lot. Whatever takes your fancy and helps you escape your own mind for even just one moment at a time. For me, Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed has been the stand out- it's wit, realism and compassion provide solace and optimism despite the bleak and hopeless words. I wish I had a Dear Sugar to write to right now but alas, not.

2. While I can't write in to a famous author with an alias for life advice, I can hound my friends and family to show me the ways of the world. Oh, my poor friends and family! They who have listened to my woes, held me as I have wept, reasoned with me when I have uttered the craziest, most outlandish and ridiculous possible versions of the reality out loud, met me at the gym to hear me out through gasps for air; you deserve medals of bravery from the Queen and a lifetime free from emotional pain for holding my hand through the dark and wild aisles of my mind. Thank you for all you have done.

3. Nature. Nature constantly reminds me that although there are aspects of my life will never be okay, there will always be beauty in the world regardless. Mountain tops, beautiful spring gardens, the early morning light that floods my lounge room when I'm listless and unable to sleep. That is nature's way of keeping on and it's constant proof to me that I can do the same.

4. Hope. I guess having been through the ringer before, and despite the low it was, I know I survived. Some days, it's tough to convince myself that surviving is enough, it feels like life is pretty black and white and it's either a success or failure sort of situation. I'm working hard internally to remind myself that surviving is a win in itself, that everyday I keep the hope alive I am one day closer to thriving again.

Find the things that make it okay, I know yours are out there.

Dee x.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Today is just another day.

Lately I have needed to take it easy. My mind is running at a million, trillion miles an hour and my body can't keep up. I can't sleep, so what rest I do is from half dozing in the morning or afternoon light, depending on where I position myself; just like Dermot and Patsy do, those little cats who keep me sane with their knowing and unfailing love.

Today, I got some respite by sipping on a big glass of water, sitting on the front step in the glory of a lazy afternoon sun and reading Running like China by Sophie Hardcastle, the self told story of a girl who has survived despite her own mind's best intentions to let her die. Read it, it's great.

Dee x.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Thailand Travel

My boyfriend Rich and I are currently travelling around Thailand. I've been used the Bonjournal app to blog about our adventures. If you want to have a read about it, check it out here.


Dee x.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

The Perfect Sunday: Winter Edition.

Today I:

woke up in a small, rambling shack, an hour out of Hobart.
slept in with my love, made tea, lit the fire and then snuggled some more.
got up (for real this time) to make coffee and a delicious breakfast of slow roasted tomatoes, eggs and toast.
sat inside a warm little haven while the wind blew and the rain beat down on the roof.

drove home, in squalls of rain and bursts of sun.
went to the shops and stocked up for the week ahead.
baked date and ginger biscuits, a chocolate slice and a casserole that transformed into a beef and stout pie half way through cooking.

gossiped over tea and donuts with two of my beautiful friends.
strolled around Battery Point on dusk, admiring the gardens and streetlights reflected on the wet roads.
ate a beautiful meal, drank a dark beer from New Zealand and went to bed feeling like the luckiest person alive.

Dee x.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Wintery Cabbage Salad.

I just made a delicious salad and here is the recipe.

1/2 a red cabbage, finely sliced (I used a mandolin to make life easy).
3 carrots, grated.
a large handful of baby spinach leaves.
1/2 cup of coriander leaves.
1/4 cup sunflower seeds, toasted.
1/4 cup pepitas, toasted.

juice of half a lemon.
a large dollop of tahini.
1 teaspoon of miso paste.
1 garlic clove, crushed/grated/finely chopped.
a splash of vinegar.
a splash of your best extra virgin olive oil.
a pinch of cayenne pepper.
salt and pepper to taste.

Grate the carrots, slice the cabbage and add to a large bowl with the spinach leaves and picked coriander leaves. Heat a frypan and add the seeds, moving them around the pan until they are golden brown and smelling delicious then add them to the bowl.

Combine all dressing ingredients, tasting for a balance between tart, spicy and salty then when you are happy with it, add to your salad and mix til everything is covered.


Note: The recipe has been very slightly adapted from a new Tasmanian cooking book that showcases the work of some of Tasmania's most well known and respected chefs- I can't, for the life of me, remember what the bloody book is called but will credit it ASAP.

Dee x.

Monday, 6 July 2015

The Overland Track: June 28- July 02 2015

Today puts me exactly a week out from the start of semester two and the official beginning of third year nursing. Kinda exciting! What's actually more immediately exciting to me is another week of doing as little or as much as I want, without the burden of university and the guilt associated with slacking off. Yep, I've been on holidays for about three weeks now and it's been blissful. So much time has been spent doing absolutely nothing, for the first time in a long time and it's been just the break I needed. After a tumultuous start to the year which ultimately left me on the back foot playing catch up all semester, I ended my recent exams feeling pretty fed up. This break has allowed me to refresh and I'm excited about working hard and achieving as I should be in the coming months.

So with holidays coming to a close and no more 'university free time' between now and the end of my degree (Feb 2016), I thought I'd recap on the most exciting part of my holidays- a five day winter walk along the Overland Track.

Planning started for this walk months out when Rich put in for annual leave. Soon after, I got overly excited about planning the logistics of the walk and many lists were drafted and plans were discussed over the next few months. We got incredibly lucky when we were able to organise a car swap with a friend who was planning to walk the track at a similar time to us, in the opposite direction. This saved both parties time and money and worked brilliantly! Yay. So, Saturday saw us driving north. After a few stops for essentials such as coffee, ice cream and fudge, we made it to Cradle Valley mid afternoon. Given Rich's fantastic Parks connections, we were lucky enough to stay in Mt Kate Hut for the pricely sum of $2. We got the fire cranking, drank some cab sauv and had a pretty special night in among the Pencil Pines.

Day one:
Rested up, we had a leisurely morning and started walking from Ronny Creek at 11am. We walked up to Crater Lake in fairly mild but wet and windy conditions before tackling Marion's Lookout (never as bad as you think it will be) in worsening winds, up to 40kt.

Photo credit: Richard Dakin
The rain was still falling as rain (we were hoping for snow) and we made it to Kitchen Hut for lunch by about 1pm. After warming up (or was it cooling down?) we continued to walk around the cirque, which surprisingly more sheltered than the Cradle plateau, before the final stretch along the ridge towards Barn Bluff and the descent into Waterfall Valley. It was a wet but otherwise perfect start to our walk.

Day two:
The weather looked pretty similar to the day before but soon cleared and within ten minutes of walking, our coats were off and Rich was taking photos of rainbows and sunlit mountain tops etc etc. It was pretty nice. We decided not to go to Lake Will, having been before and as we had a long section of track to cover, hoping to get to New Pelion Hut for the night. We continued along the open plains, enjoying limited views to our east and west before dropping down to Lake Windemere and the Hut by 11am.

Photo credit: Richard Dakin
 We pushed on for about another two hours over more golden buttongrass plains, past tiny, shallow lakes and through dark enchanted forests before enjoying lunch in the sun with a glorious view of Mt Oakleigh's northern cliff face. After lunch we descended along the flank of Mt Pelion West where, after successfully negotiating the tree roots and mud, I got my foot caught up in the long tendrils of a stand of cutting grass and fell. The walking pole of my right hand got awkwardly caught between my body and my left forearm which on impact with the ground caused an impressive bruise that is visible on both sides of my arm! It's pretty cool.

I got up, feeling pretty lucky to have avoided a broken wrist and we kept walking. A quick scroggin break at Frog Flats (or 'is this the flat frog?' according to a French walker I met a few seasons ago in the same spot) perked us up for the short climb up to Pelion Plains and the Palace that is the New Pelion Hut. We opted for the tent as the hut was pretty busy (read: noisy, smelly and clammy) and had a beautiful sleep in the cold quiet.

Day three:
We woke up to frosty conditions providing a beautiful scene as the warm morning sun lit up the mountains around us. We weren't in a hurry, knowing that the walk to Kia Ora Hut was short and easy so we lazied around in the sun, drank some coffee, went for a jaunt down to the Old Pelion Hut and the mine and momentarily thought about swimming in a magical water hole before finally hoisting our packs on and starting the climb to Pelion Gap at around midday. The sun was out and there wasn't a breath of wind (e.g. the type of winter weather bushwalker's dream of) so I laid in the sun reading while Rich summited Mt Pelion East. We strolled down to Kia Ora in an hour, enjoying the new track work and the changing light as the winter sun set over Mt Ossa.

Photo credit: Richard Dakin
Day four:
Another morning started with porridge and multiple cups of tea and coffee whilst I finished my book and Rich did all the work and packed up the tent, did the washing up and probably even tied my boot laces for all I know, I was too busy reading. It was pleasant walking after a night of showers, the rainforest that this section of the track is famous for looking greener and more lush than ever. We stopped briefly at Ducane Hut and quietly appreciated the life that Paddy Hartnett and his family lived in such an amazing place, so long ago. I get a strange sense every time I walk through the clearing surrounding his old hut, even having done so many times. I think it's just a sense of disbelief that this little pocket of light in the middle of a rainforest was once a hub of life in such a remote and wild place.

Dalton Falls. 
We visited the waterfalls and hugged the Mersey River up to Hartnett Falls where we had lunch and saw some people I know from uni (as you do) before continuing on up and over Ducane Gap. The section south of Ducane Gap is some of the most amazing wet schelorphyll forest I have ever walked through and I savoured the thirty minutes we spent descending down to Bert Nichols Hut despite the strengthening winds and the noticeable drop in temperature as a front approached from the south west.

Day five:
We woke to somewhere between 8 and 15cm of snow on the ground (depending on who you ask: Rich is a notorious exaggerator while I am constantly striving for accuracy) and two very excited Queenslanders hooting and carrying on. It was a short and fast walk out to make the 1pm ferry from Narcissus to Cynthia Bay made all the more interesting by great conversation and the occasional snowball from our mate Will. Once back at the car, we struggled and I mean really struggled, to get changed into our warm, dry clothes. At one point, I started to think that I may never wear pants again as I sat half naked in the car, unable to move my hands or feet. Thankfully, the car's heater started to warm up, the deep fryer was ready at the Hungry Wombat and before you know it, we were pulling into the drive way.

What a walk. It was wonderful and surreal to walk the track with the time and energy to explore and wander about the place- something that seldom happens when I'm walking it as a guide. Spending time with other walkers and at the PWS Huts was great too, although at times, the behaviour of other walkers was pretty disappointing. We cleaned up the huts on a number of occasions despite not even sleeping in them and it annoyed me how many people continued to run the heaters, until the atmosphere in the huts could only be described as sauna/old, wet shoes, with an apparent disregard for the PWS efforts to conserve heating supplies throughout winter for those who really need it, not those who want to dry their socks and wear tshirts in the hut. Ignorance, I guess.

We spent the last few days recuperating by watching movies, sleeping in, eating fish and chips in the glorious east coast sun and baking cookies. Shit, that post got really long, really quick. Thanks for reading!

Dee x.


Here are some notes on the food we took on our walk:

I spent the week prior to the walk cooking our meals and dehydrating what I could including a mexican bean stew, cooked rice, spaghetti bolognese and a pumpkin risotto. I also dried some apples bought from a wheelbarrow on the side of the road (they were the most delicious apples ever, by the way), some canned apricots (which, if you're interested, works out as being about 25% cheaper than store bought Australian dried apricots) and some hommus for instant flavour in our lunches.
I also made the most amazing scroggin ever which included apricot cubes, nougat, dried fruit, roasted nuts, dark chocolate buds and panforte. It was bloody delicious.

My plan had been to dehydrate all our main meals but due to an electrical fault in our dehydrator, we ended up buying a few Strive meals to see us through. We had Beef Massaman (good but a bit runny and salty), Spagbol (delicious) and Minestrone (kind of bland but good as a warming meal after a cold descent to Bert Nichols Hut).On the track we ate porridge every morning, wraps for lunches with either tuna (for me) or salami (for Rich) with assorted salady items (worth the weight in my mind) with instant hommus and a cuppa or two. Scroggin provided us with snacks throughout the day and we ended walking each day with a cuppa soup before some red wine and dinner.
Extras along the way included some brie and crackers, two chocolate self saucing puddings and extra dark chocolate in the evenings.

(Yes our bags were heavy, yes it was worth it.)

General info on the Overland Track can be found here.
There are some good books on the walk too, check out The Overland Track by Warwick Sprawson or one by John Chapman.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

All you who sleep tonight.

All you who sleep tonight
Far from the ones you love, 
No hand to left or right
And emptiness above - 

Know that you aren't alone
The whole world shares your tears,
Some for two nights or one, 
And some for all their years.

- Vikram Seth

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Winter wonder.

It's hard to believe that almost six months has passed since I last did a post like this. I always mean to do them more often because I love a list and it seems like a good way to document what is going on in my life which is the main reason I keep this blog, whether that's the same reason you read it or not, I don't know!

Making: homemade icecream, banana bread, chocolate brownies and soup are on high rotation.
Loving: Hobart. This is my favourite time of year in our beautiful town. A snow capped Mt Wellington and a dark Derwent River, what a landscape to live in!
Drinking: a pot of chai with honey and milk.

Reading: nothing yet but am going to spend a significant portion of the next 5 weeks of holidays reading! On the list is the Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan, Dirty Pretty Things by Michael Faudet and I'm going to try and finish Wild by Cheryl Strayed despite having tried twice now without success. 
Wanting: to know where working next year. 

Looking: out my window at a cold, pale sky. 
Playing: the new Of Monsters and Men album. Still flogging the #1 Dads album too. 
Waiting: for the solstice to come and go.  

Considering: how I got to be this lucky?
Watching: the new season of Masterchef (always an addict) and the ABC breakfast show which is incredibly daggy but I think that's why I like it? 

Hoping: for beautiful blue skies at the Bay of Fires this weekend. 
Needing: to get outside more after too many long days trapped at my desk. 
Wearing: a lot of wool and my white leather converse. 

Noticing: my tan fading away. 
Thinking: about the amazing people in my future and how grateful I am to know and love them! 
Buying: beeswax candles. 

Getting: organised for 6 days of winter walking on the Overland Track. 
Bookmarking: things to do and places to stay in Thailand. Hot tips appreciated. 
Feeling: loved up. 

Dee x. 

Monday, 11 May 2015


Lately I've been on placement. It's stressful, exciting, emotional and tiring. It's simultaneously rewarding and demoralising, exhilarating and terrifying. At times it makes me doubt whether I should or even can be a nurse but mostly I finish every shift feeling a bit little more confident in my skills and my knowledge. Two weeks down, two weeks to go.

Lately I've been bushwalking. Rich and I spent the weekend at Cape Pillar. We walked across open plains, through wind stunted gums and across cliff lines over two wonderful autumn days. It's a beautiful place and the new track work is pretty incredible, if at times, excessive. I wasn't a believer before but now I can see the Three Capes Walk (or should I say Two Capes?) being an iconic Tasmanian bushwalk akin to the Overland Track.

Dee x.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015


The age old dilemma of having no money but being surrounded by beautiful things you can't have. Sigh. 

1. Natalija The Label Lace Trim Nightie 2. Stormy afternoon at Cod Bay 3. Country Road Knit 4. 

Saturday, 11 April 2015

A new home.

My new home is in a quiet, L shaped street in Sandy Bay. The rivulet flows quietly behind the back fence and the Mountain looms outside my bedroom window. At night, I lie and look upon it's silhouette, illuminated by the moon against a clear and cold night sky.

This house already feels like home to me. High ceilings, large rooms and wooden window frames. A rambling garden. A gorgeous neighbour and the perfect housemate complete the picture. For now, through my honeymoon new house glow, I can look past the horrible carpet, the incredibly low water pressure in the kitchen and the apricot hued interior walls.

Dee x.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Listen up!

You are the current that I can't escape. Draw me down, down, down to your depths.

Dee x.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Bliss is...

early morning swimming in the sea.
dancing to dreamy music in a forest.
lying on a cricket pitch under a moonlit sky.

Skyscape at A Festival Called Panama, March 2015.

Dee x. 

Sunday, 8 February 2015

The perfect summer Sunday.

Today I bought myself some roses from the market, drank a coffee in the sunshine, wandered up a river bed and skinny dipped in a cool mountain stream, ate a splice, drove home with the windows down and the radio blasting.

Tasmania, you do alright.

A little beach time with my favourite trio (+ dog).

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Booty Profile.

Unfortunately for you, the above title isn't referring to the side on view of my bum, though I can tell you that 'white beyonce' has been uttered once or twice in it's regard. It's actually in reference to the boot camp group I'm a part of, Booty, who have featured my profile on their website.

Check it out.


Dee x.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Endorphin rush.

This evening, as I sat in my friend's convertible, wind blowing through our sweaty post-spin class hair, I realised that everything is going to be alright. It hurts now, but it won't always hurt. I will give love and get love in return. I will treat people as I would like to be treated, because if we don't, then what are we?

Dee x.