Monday, 26 September 2016

Spring 2016.

Making: the soil rich and the garden grow! After the wild success that was the front step garden in 2015, this year I've gone bigger and better and have extended my green thumbs into actual garden beds. There's sweet snow peas, cornflowers, ranunculus, an array of herbs, freesias and daffies and tiny tommy toe tomato seedlings. And rhubarb! Ah so much gardening bliss. 

Cooking: a crumble to take to a friend's place tonight.
Drinking: flat whites, water and wine.
Reading: anything and everything about Japan in preparation for an upcoming trip.
Wanting: to stop wanting so much and to be satisfied with what I have already. 

Looking: out my bedroom window to the beautiful Mountain. 

Playing: indoor soccer and scrabble.
Liking: the lengthening days and the golden afternoon light.
Considering: what will happen over the next few years.

Watching: two of my nearest and dearest become wonderful parents to the sweetest little boy I know.
Hoping: for lots of energy to get me through the next few weeks of 5 day working weeks (insert eurgh face).
Wearing: lots of linen, new blue jeans and my birkis.
Noticing: the blossoms being replaced by new spring growth and Dusky's tummy hair growing slowly back.

Thinking: about how lucky I am.
Buying: too many new clothes online.
Getting: tanned and fit. Well, trying to. 

Listening: to Safia, The Shins, Solange and Gang of Youths.
Feeling: pretty bloody great.

Dee x.