Wednesday, 9 July 2014

1000 words but never enough.

I love Instagram. I love it for the little square shaped window it offers into other people's fabulous lives. Of course most of the time, we all, to a certain extent, fabricate our lives to look a little more fabulous than they really are but hey, it's not such a bad thing, aspiration can be pretty inspiring after all.

My problem with Instagram is often I'm stuck for words and I guess that's partly because the focus is on the photo, but sometimes I don't post because I haven't got a #hashtaggable blurb to accompany it and it just breaks my heart to think that all 60 something of my die hard followers are missing out. Obviously.

So I thought I'd post some shots here from a day in the life of me and write a bit more freely beneath them because we should never restrict ourselves to wit, hash tags and emojis, should we?

Hobart's latest fad. Vita nature + culture by Ethos; taking a junk food in disguise and giving it a firmly healthy and ethical foundation. Delicious (P.S the chocolate isn't as delicious as you hope it is, go the coconut).

This colourful bad boy lights up my door way AND keeps the carpet cleaner! What a star!

Coffee and Miranda Kerr. A recipe for a perfect afternoon.

Snug Falls. Drive yourself twenty minutes south of Hobart and walk for another twenty along a smooth gravel path til you get here. I'm envisioning myself basking like a freshwater mermaid here a lot this summer.

An almond and coconut cake (recipe here) that I made to take to an amazing dinner party hosted by my mate Stu at his farmlet in Glen Huon. The cake is truly amazingly delicious and I served it with Meander Valley double cream and some blueberry coulis- perfection.

Alas, there are things that my unskillful eye and poor iPhone camera can not capture like the amazing sunrises that bless Hobart most mornings at this time of year nor the beautiful pink rose that is blooming by my bedside. I'll keep trying though!

Dee x

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